Under guidance from, and to fulfil the requirements of the Exercise Association of New Zealand and Worksafe New Zealand, Total Fitness has implemented a number of guidelines and procedures for the safety of our community and our members.
These guidelines are subject to change at any time, so please keep up to date with our policies and procedures as we keep pace with guidelines from the New Zealand government, the Exercise Association of New Zealand and Worksafe New Zealand.
The whole team at Total Fitness is dedicated to providing a safe place for both our members and our staff during these difficult times and appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
We are currently operating under the Traffic Light System as a facility requiring Covid Vaccination Certificates for entry. This only needs to be shown once for members.
THE following rules are to be adhered to on entry to the club
- Please do not come to the club if you are feeling unwell including coughs, colds, fever and sore throat.
- Please wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water on arrival at the club or preferably just before you arrive.
- For contact tracing, it is a requirement that you sign in on every visit you make to the club unless you are here for a booked session with Personal Training, Nutrition, Massage or Physio. Alternatively, you can also swipe your 24hr Access card. We recommend still scanning in using the NZ Covid Tracer App.
- Under red traffic light masks must be worn on entry to the club through to the change rooms but are not required while exercising.
- Please use a workout towel on all shared equipment. We have towels to purchase if needed. These cannot be loaned.
- Wipe down equipment after use with the cleaning products provided. Preferably by spraying the paper towel and then wiping down to ensure no excess residue remains.
- Under the Red Traffic Light only, please maintain social distancing of 1 metre.
- Under the Red Traffic Light please try to get changed and shower at home pre and post workout if possible. However, when using the change rooms please try to maintain the 1 metre distancing. Please also use the disabled change room if available.
- As always, maintain high levels of personal hygiene and cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue, if needed.

Photos from the Individual yoga classes.